• All the teaching staff of the college should maintain punctuality as an important and integral part of their work culture.
  • They should be outside the door during the first bell and should enter the class room during the second bell.
  • They should facilitate the students to participate fruitfully in the Morning Prayer before the classes begin.
  • We have the bio-metric system. All staff members are expected to give your thumb. The management will take the reading of each staff as and when needed. Those who are frequently late will be given warning and proper action will be taken against such frequent late comers.
  • All staff members are expected to dress neatly and edifyingly. The teaching fraternity should be models for the students in this aspect.
  • No staff should leave the campus during college hours without proper gate pass. They should obtain gate pass from the concerned authorities with valid reasons. Under no circumstance should the teachers leave the campus without gate pass.
  • Teachers are expected to relate with one another in a very dignified manner. They must keep very cordial and decent relations with one another especially with students. Indecent and inappropriate behaviors, uttering unparliamentary words and unapproved mannerisms are strictly prohibited within the campus. Those who violate these behaviors and hurt others either by their language, or behavior and other ways will be referred to the grievance committee for further action
  • Unless there is any emergency, all the teachers are expected to take leave with prior permission only. The management should know, before someone takes leave the proper reason for it. The management reserves the right to grant or deny permission to take leave depending upon the need for leave. They have to apply for leave only in the proper leave form for short leaves. Need for medical and other forms of leave should be discussed with the Secretary ahead of time.
  • Each staff should work for the development and growth of the college other than their class works. Every staff has to take up some additional responsibility to enhance the capacity and welfare of the college. Their additional service will be duly considered for their promotion, increment and weightage and other forms of recognition.

The list of responsibilities of Heads of Departments and a few Officials with some specific code of conduct is given below.

1.Heads of Departments

  • To take responsibilities for the smooth functioning of the department and to make alternative arrangements for classes during absence of teacher(s).
  • To strive to achieve academic goals and develop research programmes in the department with the support of the staff.
  • To distribute the work load without partiality.
  • To hold departmental meetings at least once a month and facilitate interaction and sharing among the staff.
  • To monitor the attendance of students every month and to call the parents of defaulters.
  • To display the consolidated marks on time (internal and to handover mark statement to Dean of Academics.
  • To ensure handing over of question paper in time to the Controller’s office and to assist in proper conduct of tests.
  • To ensure the return of the valued test papers to the students by the concerned teachers within 10 days of the test.
  • To be present for Parents meeting and monitor the distribution of semester mark sheets in the Department(s).
  • To plan and conduct Seminars, Symposia, Workshops, etc. with the involvement of staff and students.
  • To monitor effective conduct of class/practical/tests.
  • To make sure that classes are not cancelled.
  • To facilitate smooth conduct of teacher evaluation.
  • To share responsibilities with the members of the department and to build up team spirit.
  • To sign the Continuous Assessment mark sheets of the students.
  • To ensure proper functioning of Association Activities.
  • To ensure proper conduct of regular and practical tests.
  • To ensure periodic stock verification.
  • To send all relevant information and the report of the activities of the department to IQAC and to the press.
  • To send the required information in the proper format as and when needed by Principal/Deans/Coordinator of Examinations within the stipulated date and time.

2. Coordinator of Examinations

  • To get the list of courses approved by the University for each semester from the HODs.
  • To get a copy of the syllabus and question papers from the departments for CIA. Tests.
  • To plan and conduct the CIA Tests and maintain the marks.
  • To submit the final list of Internal Assessment Marks of the students to the University before the prescribed time.
  • To help the Principal in the smooth conduct of the University Practical and Theory Examinations.
  • To display all University communications regarding exams to the staff and students.
  • To bring to the knowledge of the Principal matters of malpractices, if any, and help him initiate action.
  • To get the Degree Certificates in time from the University and plan out the conduct of Graduation Ceremony every year.

3. Dean of Students

  • To monitor all curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of students.
  • To be an ex-officio member of the various decision-making bodies and committees, thus facilitating better representation of Students’ issues.
  • To monitor the participation of the students in inter collegiate cultural programmes.
  • To scrutinize and sign Public Notices and Posters on common notice boards.
  • To recommend OD attendance for students participating in various activities (up to 12 days).
  • To look into day-to-day problems / needs of Students (other than academic).
  • To recommend mid-day meal to deserving students.
  • To interact with the teachers and authorities concerned for redressal of grievances of students.
  • The Dean of Students is the Nodal Officer for National Scholarships such as CSSS, Minority Scholarships, Disabled Students’ Scholarships, etc. He has to identify students of these categories and make them apply for or renew their application for the respective scholarship.
  • The Dean of Students and the Dean of Women Students play a vital role in identifying the recipients of various Endowment Scholarships by coordinating with the Heads of Departments.

4. Dean of Women Students

  • To coordinate activities of women students and to get them involved in cultural activities in collaboration with the Dean of Students.
  • To encourage women students to participate in sports and games and collaborate with the Physical Director in organizing sports and games.
  • To pay attention to discipline and dress code among Women Students.
  • To organize programmes on health, hygiene, motivation, etc.
  • To plan to celebrate Women’s Day.
  • To pay special attention to unhealthy boy-girl relationship in the campus.
  • To choose students for Mid day meal by understanding the socio-economic background.
  • The Dean of Students and the Dean of Women Students play a vital role in identifying the recipients of various Endowment Scholarships by coordinating with the Heads of Departments.

5. Coordinator of IQAC

  • To develop and apply quality benchmarks in various activities of the college.
  • To disseminate information on quality aspects.
  • To organize discussions, workshops, seminars and promote quality circles.
  • To record and to monitor quality measures of the institution.
  • To act as a nodal agent of the institution for quality-related activities.
  • To prepare the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR).
  • To act as a member of important committees in the college to ensure quality standards to be evolved by the college.
  • To ensure quality assurance through extended IQAC and to strengthen feed – back mechanism.
  • To plan and organize training programs for students, faculty and non-teaching staff.
  • To plan and conduct student feed-back on staff every semester.
  • To assist the Principal in sending application to the NAAC and preparing Report to be sent to NAAC.
  • To apply for NIRF ranking by submitting necessary information.

Contact Us

Loyola College, Vettavalam,
Tamil Nadu,
India. Pin: 606 754


Phone Numbers

College Office   : 04175-244 744 

                              : 04175-244 944

Principal            : 04175-244 288

Secretary           : 04175-244 844

Residence          : 04175-244 433

Fax                       : 04175-244 288                                                : 04175-244 744

Web Master

Rev.Fr.Dr.A.Ignacy Arockiasamy, S.J. Secretary & Correspondent, Loyola College, Vettavalam.E-Mail:

Educate, Empower, Employ


   Loyola College ,
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