1. Superior

  • The Superior is the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Management of the College appointed by the Provincial of Chennai Jesuit Province who is also the Chairman of the Board of Management. Except for the assignments of Principal and Secretary all other assignments are given by the local Superior. The appointments by the local Superior are approved by the Provincial.

  • The Superior strives to preserve unity in an appropriate manner. At the beginning of the year, the Superior calls the whole community and sets priorities, goals and objectives and draws up concrete plans of action. He organizes a meeting of the Jesuits involved in the works of the college at least once a month to reflect, evaluate and plan the apostolate.

  • Through necessary apostolic leadership, he takes steps to preserve fraternal harmony. When there is a difference of opinion between the Principal and the Secretary in matters relating to the college administration, the Superior plays an important role and resolves the differences with tact and prudence. Superior and the Directors of Work (Principal/ Secretary) meet once a week and exchange views on the day-to-day administration of the college.

2. Secretary

  • The Secretary is the Administrative Director of Work in the college and he represents the Management before the Government. He is appointed by the Provincial. It is his duty to play a supportive role to the academic community headed by the Principal and complement their work with his help and encouragement.
  • As the Correspondent of the college, the Secretary keeps in touch with the educational authorities and seeks speedy solutions for administrative problems. He needs to be familiar with all the GOs issued from time to time.
  • He supervises the maintenance of the college properties and provides facilities for a smooth functioning of the departments. For any extraordinary expenses the permission of the Superior is needed.
  • The Secretary of the college has the following administrative functions: appointment of the staff, both teaching and non-teaching, whether permanent or temporary;  approval of the probationary period of the staff and confirmation of their appointment; disciplinary action against errant staff; maintenance of their service registers; salary of the staff; sanction of increment; provident fund, approval of loan, recovery of loan and approval of request for leave of all kinds made by the Non-Teaching Staff and all kinds of leave other than casual leave made by the Teaching Staff; maintenance of the properties directly connected with the college, requirements of the departments; offices and classrooms; telephones, electricity and water; stationery; Xerox machines; computer labs and legal matters.
  • It is the Secretary who appoints the Heads of Department and Officials such as Vice Principals, Deans, etc. after getting the approval of the Superior. He is directly in-charge of all Non-teaching Staff including Bus drivers.

3. Principal

  • The Principal is the Academic Director of Work in the college, and is the executive authority of the college. He is appointed by the Provincial. As the leader of the academic community of the institution, he provides a climate necessary for the intellectual pursuit of the staff and the students. He has to play a vital role in motivating and inspiring the academic community towards excellence. His administration is governed by Ignatian discernment, emotional maturity, team work, mutual trust and inner freedom that do not seek any personal goals. 

  • He supervises all the academic programmes of the college and keeps the Secretary informed of all matters of general and financial administration. He represents the college in all academic bodies like the University, State/Regional Directorate of Collegiate Education, UGC, the Jesuit Higher Education Association of South Asia (JHEASA),  All India Association of Christian Higher Education (AIACHE), etc.

  • The Principal has the following functions in the college : day-to-day administration of the college; planning and executing all academic programmes; supervision of the teaching and non-teaching staff; allotment of work to the teaching and non-teaching staff in consultation with the Secretary; drawing up the calendar and timetable; curriculum and research; attendance of staff and students; allotment of classrooms; facilitating co-curricular activities and extension services; admission of students; maintaining student and staff discipline; dealing with matters pertaining to Scholarships especially Government Scholarships and Endowment Scholarships; officially in charge of the hostels; examinations and President of all Committees of the college.

  • It is the duty of the Principal to establish clear channels of communication and facilitate interaction. The Vice-Principals, the Deans, the Coordinator of Examinations, the Coordinator of IQAC and the Heads of Departments will assist him to form an effective team. Delegation of authority with responsibility together with accountability should mark the style of his administration.

  • The Principal is the ex-officio Director of the hostels. The Principal is answerable to the University and the Government on all matters relating to the hostel administration. He therefore, keeps in touch with the hostel administration particularly in its major and serious events and transactions.

  • The Principal elicits the opinion of the academic community (including Jesuits) with regard to the selection of Vice-Principals, Coordinator of Examinations and Deans.

4. Vice Principal

  • To look after general facilities for staff and students.
  • To take care of cleanliness in the college premises.
  • To monitor attendance of students.
  • To look after the general discipline during all college functions.
  • To be part of the Student Discipline Committee of the college.
  • To help the Principal in the overall functioning of the college.
  • To identify students for Management Scholarship and other Scholarships offered by NGO’s and others.

5. Campus Treasurer

  • The Chief function of the Campus Treasurer is to ensure a complete and accurate day-to-day record of financial transactions. He is an ex-officio member of the Campus Finance Committee of the College.
  • He is responsible for computerizing all the accounts comprising Governmental and Non-Governmental Accounts.
  • The accounts have to be computerized on a daily basis; i.e., as soon as the bills are prepared and cheques signed by the Principal & Secretary.
  • The non-audited statement of accounts is prepared by the Campus Treasurer’s Office, within one month of the end of the financial year.
  • The Staff receive their salary, as soon as the salary clerk prepares the salary, gets the approval of the Secretary, and passes it on to the Campus Treasurer’s Office.
  • All bills for payment from the various departments of the College first require the approval of the Principal or Secretary, before they are paid.
  • The fees collections have to be verified according to the students’ strength of the whole College. The Campus Treasurer’s Office has to keep watch of collection of fees by preparing the list of students who have arrear in payment department wise and sending to the Heads of Department through the Principal.
  • Daily fees collection register (DFR) should be kept intact.
  • For admissions the fees collection statement has to be prepared and the cash has to be deposited in the bank. Apart from the collection of the bank, the cashier collects Fees for T.C., Alumni Membership, etc. and such collections are to be deposited in the Bank.
  • He is responsible for all the new constructions and major maintenance in the college.
  • He supervises the maintenance of the properties of the College.
  • In consultation with the members of the Jesuit community and a few important Officials and Heads of Department he prepares the Budget for the following financial year and presents it to the Province Finance Commission with the Superior for approval. He prepares monthly and quarterly Statements of Accounts and shares them with the Jesuits of the community.
  • With the help of the Staff of the Campus Treasurer’s Office he helps out in the process of Financial Audit.

6. Director of the Hostels

  • The Director of the Hostel makes admissions to the hostels and’ plans the regular programme for the year in consultation with Assistant Director. All major decisions in the hostel are taken only in consultation with the Principal and the Superior. The Superior and the Principal are taken into confidence and are briefed on any serious developments in the hostel administration. The bank account is to be operated by the Director and the Campus Treasurer.
  • All major expenses from the establishment charges and from other collections are done with clearance from the House Consult. Statement of accounts once in three months for both the accounts are made known to the Principal, the Secretary and the Superior. The hostel accounts are audited separately.
  • Disbursal of concessions and scholarships are done according to norms and guidelines given by the Superior. Loans to hostel workers are given, if necessary, by the Director in a limited way.

Contact Us

Loyola College, Vettavalam,
Tamil Nadu,
India. Pin: 606 754


Phone Numbers

College Office   : 04175-244 744 

                              : 04175-244 944

Principal            : 04175-244 288

Secretary           : 04175-244 844

Residence          : 04175-244 433

Fax                       : 04175-244 288                                                : 04175-244 744

Web Master

Rev.Fr.Dr.A.Ignacy Arockiasamy, S.J. Secretary & Correspondent, Loyola College, Vettavalam.E-Mail:

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